Little Kids...Big Potential
In this video first grade teacher Kathy Cassidy shares her approach to use technology in the classroom. In this video her first grade class explains to us how they as six year- olds use technology. The first thing they talk about is blogging. As a college student I did not know anything about blogging until I enrolled in EDM 310. My sister whom is three years younger than me had to explain to me how to use and what was the purpose. It amazes me how much these six year olds although enjoying writing in books like blogging just as well. They enjoy that other people get to see what they are doing and can comment on the work they post on their blog. It amazes me at this young age how well they know how to use technology and was using those laptops like they were grown ups.
Mrs. Cassidy uses blogs to help the children with their writing skills and as a portfolio of their progress throughout the year. She also teaches them how to use the internet safely and to keep their personal information limited. I love the fact that she allows her students to pick a subject of their choice to work on everyday. Mrs. Cassidy is teaching her first graders how to research things on the internet by using Wiki. I love the fact she uses group video projects that teach them how to work together while using technology. I believe every teacher should start using more technology in the classroom.
Kathy Cassidy Skype Interview
In the Skype interview between Dr. Strange and Mrs. Cassidy, Cassidy answered many questions and gave tips for future educators. The most important tip she gave was to start developing our online networking system. Before this class I already had a facebook, twittter, and many more social networks log-ins. She also states that we should use tools that we find interesting such as Youtube for videos and Flickr for pictures. When I am in my elementary classroom I hope to use several of the same tools Mrs. Cassidy use with her students. I believe blogging is a wonderful way to teach students communicating, writing, sharing, and researching skills in an interesting way. Blogging introduces students to many changes of culture, levels and more. I really want to technology to be a part of my daily lesson plan as an educator. I believe that since technology is around us, why not use it as a way to educate our students, while allowing them to have some fun.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your post. I agree that it is amazing how much elementary students know about technology. I also knew nothing about blogging until I enrolled in EDM310. I hope when I become a teacher I can keep up with my students:). Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteGood post. I am glad you will implement technology to the best of your abilities in your future classroom!